Instead of paying for a whole new addition to your house, it might make more sense to build on an existing structure within your home. That’s where your garage can come in handy – after all, it’s likely that your garage already has a good skeleton to work from. So, then, what are some of the considerations or challenges you should think about before embarking on such a project?
Keep in mind, converting your garage to a room isn’t simply a matter of putting up a wall where the garage door used to be. It’s likely your garage walls and ceiling – commonly made of concrete – are not yet insulated. Then, you must consider whether or not you will rewire the heating/cooling system of the garage to the rest of the house. If you decide to add it to the rest of your house’s system, then you will need to undergo an electrical service upgrade, since the garage will likely be using more power as a room in your home than it was previously as a home for your cars.
And we’re just getting started here – these costs will quickly add up, and depending on the size of the garage and how much revamping you are planning to do, you are going to be spending at least $20,000 on your new space. Yes, it is cheaper than starting from scratch with a new addition. But, you have to make sure you and your wallet are up to the task.
In order to make your space cozier and more livable, you may want to consider how much natural light will reach the room and how many windows you will likely need to install in the room. Further, you need to determine if you garage is located in a space with a reasonable level of privacy. You may not have considered this earlier when it was just your car living in your garage, but if you are building a new living space you ought to make sure the location will work for you.
And, of course, you need to consider if the convenience of no longer having built in parking space in the form of a garage will outweigh the benefits of your new room. If you live in a more suburban area and a milder climate, you won’t have to worry about space or inclement weather concerns when it comes to storing your car. But, if you live in more unpredictable conditions, you might want to give it a second thought.
It’s clear that a garage conversion should not be taken lightly. It’s an incredible investment that can elevate the space of your home. As always, we wish you luck in your renovation endeavors.